This is the gold standard of past life regression.
Unlike classic past life regression, Dolores Cannon’s QHHT enables communication with that all-knowing part of us, the Higher Self, the Over-Soul or the Super Conscious.
Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. Some people are looking for help with healing a physical issue or disease. Other people have emotional issues or relationship problems. Some people want to know what their life purpose is, or if they are on the right path. Still others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers.
The best thing that you can do to prepare for your session, is to keep an open mind. Try not to overthink things and remember that the subconscious will only show you what you are ready to see. No need to worry about anything!
Please prepare a list of questions for the subconscious on a separate piece of paper that will be asked on your behalf during the session. Most people list questions about life, relationships, career, and health.
We begin the session by discussing your life and the meaningful aspects of your current, present-day life including key experiences and important people, current problems or questions. Often additional questions may come up during this time, so it’s a great opportunity to add to the list!
Sessions typically last about 4 to 5 hours so it's recommend that you eat a light meal prior to arriving. Try to abstain from too much caffeine, and wear comfortable clothing that you can relax in. If you’ve never meditated before, it's recommend you start a practice, even if it’s for a few minutes at a time prior to our session. It’s not a requirement but it may help you have a deeper connection to the subconscious. QHHT session $285